quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009

Lista de Episodios Bakugan

1ª Temporada

  • "Dragon Warriors" (龍の戦士)
  • "The Man Who Summoned A Storm" (嵐を呼ぶ男)
  • "Do As You Like" (勝手にしやがれ)
  • "Red Bonds" (赤い絆)
  • "Hate But Love" (憎いあンちくしょう)
  • "Tiger & Dragon" (タイガー&ドラゴン)
  • "Chameleon Army" (カメレオンアーミー)
  • "Be. Silent" (美・サイレント)
  • "In the Name of Love" (愛という名のもとに)
  • "Looking at the Same Moon" (同じ月を見ていた)
  • "The Boy in the Wind" (風の中の少年)
  • "Time, Stop" (時間よ止まれ)
  • "The Storm of Passion" (情熱の嵐)
  • "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (真夏の夜の夢)
  • "Ha. As GOOD" (ハッとして!Good)
  • "It's Guts!!" (ガッツだぜ!!)
  • "With You Forever" (君といつまでも)
  • "Flash!" (フラッシュ!)
  • "Memories Falling" (想い出ぼろぼろ)
  • "Tomorrow's Wind Will Blow Tomorrow" (明日は明日の風が吹く)
  • "We're Good Friends" (我が良き友よ)
  • "The Sun Will Rise Again" (陽はまた昇る)
  • "The Shy One" (内気なあいつ)
  • "The Younger Boy" (年下の男の子)
  • "The Ace of Hearts Won't Appear" (ハートのエースが出てこない)
  • "Sleep Like A Ballad" (バラードのように眠れ)

2ª Temporada

  1. "Setting Sun" (落陽)
  2. "Chewing On My Lip" (唇をかみしめて)
  3. "Me and Her Circumstances" (彼女と私の事情)
  4. "For Me To Be Me" (僕が僕であるために)
  5. "The Setting Sun Is Crying" (夕陽が泣いている)
  6. "The One On My Mind" (気になるあいつ)
  7. "Who's That!" (誰だ!)
  8. "The Light In The Darkness" (闇に光を)
  9. "A Fever to the Heart" (熱き心に)
  10. "Show Me What You've Got" (夏に降る雪)
  11. "Dangerous Couple" (危険なふたり)
  12. "Fight!" (ファイト!)
  13. "Neverending Journey" (終わりなき旅)
  14. "World of Ice" (氷の世界)
  15. "I Can't Stop It" (どうにもとまらない)
  16. "Soldier's Rest" (戦士の休息)
  17. "Sniping" (狙いうち)
  18. "Do You Think This Is A Joke?" (冗談じゃねぇ)
  19. "Man's Decoration" (男の勲章)
  20. "Good Night Baby" (グッド・ナイト・ベイビー)
  21. "R is for Revenge" (これが私の生きる道)
  22. "Broken-Winged Angel" (翼の折れたエンジェル)
  23. "For Us There Is No Tomorrow" (俺たちに明日は無い)
  24. "Burning Life" (命燃やして)
  25. "Number One Battle Brawlers" (ナンバーワン・バトルブローラーズ)

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